Call for AIFF Filmmakers Advisory Committee

The Atlantic International Film Festival is launching a new Filmmakers’ Advisory Committee to create a meaningful, ongoing link between the festival and filmmakers in Atlantic Canada. The committee is designed to foster open dialogue with respect to the festival's activities and plans and the needs and concerns of the industry.

Committee Composition

The Filmmakers’ Advisory Committee will be composed of 10 - 12 members including: 2 AIFF board members; senior AIFF staff; and filmmakers, producers and film industry professionals representing the diversity of our industry. Priority will be given to members from equity-deserving communities and we will aim to include a variety of filmmaking practices and representatives from all four Atlantic provinces.

Duties and Meetings

The committee is designed to provide feedback and external context to the festival, which will help the festival be more relevant and responsive to the community. The committee has no official duties or decision making powers and will not have any knowledge of or input regarding programming decisions. There will be 3 - 4 meetings per year, which will be held virtually and will follow the schedule below:

Winter Meeting: Check-in with committee members regarding updates, developments or concerns facing the industry. AIFF staff will also share the festival’s initial plans for the coming year and review the organization’s activities from the previous year at a high-level.

Spring Meeting: AIFF staff to share more information regarding the plans for the coming festival and the committee to offer suggestions and feedback regarding industry events and plans as needed.

Fall Meeting: Debrief with committee members regarding the festival that just passed and discussion of changes for the upcoming year.

Compensation: Committee members who take part in all the meetings throughout the year will be offered a free Festival Pass for their participation.

Expressions of interest: To put your name forward for the Filmmakers’ Advisory Committee, please fill out the Google form and include a copy of your most recent CV or resume. Submissions will be reviewed internally to assemble a representative committee.